Below is a list of all people in the Bible listed in the most recent (2004) Roman Martyrology ... with a few extras (see below). There are certainly more people from the Bible who made it into heaven, but this chart focuses on those in the Roman Martyrology.
Jul. 1
Oct. 9
Apr. 8
Jun. 15
Jan. 25
Nov. 30
Feb. 3
Apr. 11
Nov. 22
Jul. 8
Mar. 20
Aug. 4
Apr. 8
Jun. 11
Aug. 24
Sept. 25
Oct. 20
Jul. 21
Dec. 29
Oct. 3
Mar. 25
Aug. 1
Jul. 20
Jun. 14
Sept. 23 (formerly Nov. 5)
Jul. 19
Mar. 22
Jul. 26
Jul. 23
Jul. 13
Sept. 29
Sept. 26
Oct. 2
Dec. 2
Dec. 16
May 9
Apr. 8
Dec. 28
3rd Sun. of Easter
Feb. 3 (formerly Oct. 8)
Oct. 17
May 9
Jul. 25
May 3
Jul. 12
May 1
May 24
May 10
Oct. 19
Jun. 24
Dec. 27
Sept. 21
Mar. 19
Jul. 20
Aug. 31 (formerly Mar. 17)
Sept. 1
Oct. 28
Jul. 29 (formerly Dec. 17)
Sept. 23
Oct. 16 (formerly Mar. 15)
Oct. 18
May 20
Dec. 18
May 24
Apr. 25
Jul. 29
Jul. 22
Jul. 29
Apr. 24 (formerly Apr. 9)
Jan. 1
Sept. 21
May 14
Aug. 26
Dec. 21
Sept. 29
Sept. 4
Aug. 1
Dec. 1
Jul. 28
Jul. 28
Aug. 31
Nov. 19
Feb. 15 (formerly Feb. 16)
Sept. 6
Jul. 28
Jun. 29
Jun. 29
Nov. 22
May 3
Oct. 11 (formerly
June 6)
Apr. 8
Sept. 3
Jul. 8
Jul. 28
Sept. 29
Nov. 21
Apr. 24
Aug. 20
Jul. 13
Apr. 27 (formerly
Feb. 18)
Oct. 28
Dec. 26
3rd Sunday of Easter
Jul. 3
Jul. 24 (formerly Jul. 23)
Jul. 28
Jan. 26
Jan. 26
Apr. 29
Jul. 12
Sept. 23 (formerly Nov. 5)
Sept. 6
Dec. 3
Saints from Scripture on the chart above are listed in the 2004 Roman Martyrology, with a few exceptions:
1) Jason and Daniel are
not in the current Roman Martyrology, but have been included in previous
editions, so I decided to add them to the list anyways.
2) Veronica is also not in
the Roman Martyrology, however, she appears in so many Catholic saint books, and
in a way could represent the devout and distressed women of Jerusalem while
Jesus carried his cross, that I put her on the list as well.
3) The Holy Myrrhbearers – A special group of saints honored among Byzantine
4) Susanna - One of the Holy Myrrhbearers.
4) Susanna - One of the Holy Myrrhbearers.
**Blesseds or Saints?
In the Roman Martyrology,
a few are listed as blesseds rather than saints:
JoannaJoseph Barsabbas
In ancient times, the
words blessed, holy, and saint were sometimes used interchangeably. You might see Onesimus, Joanna, and Joseph
Barsabbas labeled as either saints or blesseds in various resources.