If you're looking for a change of pace in your Confirmation class, consider trying this "foldable" activity which stresses how the Confirmandi will be sealed with the Holy Spirit.
Step 1) Discuss the meaning of seals. If possible, pull up an image search on various seals.
Step 2) Explain to the kids that when they are confirmed that they will be sealed with the Holy Spirit, a seal that won't be visible to the human eye, but will indeed always be visible to God.
Step 3) Give each student a square piece of paper and have them fold the corners to the center.
Step 4) Have the students write one of the following phrases on each triangular flap:
Be Sealed ~ With the Gift ~ of the ~ Holy Spirit.
Let the students know that these are the words that the bishop will say to them as they are confirmed.
Step 5) On the inside of each flap, have the students write how seals were used in the Bible ...
Rulers often had seals, sometimes on a "signet ring." Gen. 41:42
God set a seal on Jesus. John 6:27
Christians are sealed through the Holy Spirit. Eph. 1:13
Having the seal of God offers protection. Rev. 9:4
Step 6) As a class, look up and read these four seal-related verses.
Step 7) In the center square section, have the students design a seal that they would like to represent themselves as they prepare for Confirmation. Have them select from some traditional Christian symbols.
Step 8) Allow the students to decorate any other part of their foldable, preferably with Christian symbols.
Below are some symbols taken from Holy Cards by Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua:
Cherry - Sweetness of character, derived from good works.
Shamrock - Holy Trinity, St. Patrick.
Daisy - Innocence.
Evergreen Tree - Immortality of the soul.
Flowers - Beauty. Loveliness.
Grapes - The Eucharist. The Unity of the Church.
Ivy - Faithfulness.
Olive - Peace. God's anointing. Healing.
Rose - Love.
Tree - Faith.
Cross - Jesus' Passion and Triumph.
Anchor With Cross - Jesus Christ, our true anchor.
Arch - Triumph.
Book - Learning. Studying the Faith.
Candle - Devotion to the light of the world.
Crescent Moon - The Virgin Mary.
Tongues of Fire - The First Confirmation (Acts 2:3).
7 Flames - The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Globe With Cross - God's sovereignty over the world.
Harp - Joy. Worship in heaven.
Key - Peter's authority given by Jesus.
Lamp - The Word of God. Good works.
Oil - Calmness. Peace. Healing.
Pen - Writer.
Rock - Symbol of Christ or Christian Steadfastness.
Ship - The Church.
Walking Staff - Pilgrimage.
Star - Wise Men seeking Truth/Jesus.
Sun - Truth.
Sword - Spiritual armor.
Vase - Healing. Soothing.
Water - Purification.
Well - Spiritual refreshment.
Blue - Heaven. Divine Love. Truth.
Green - Hope. Victory.
Pink - Grace. Gentleness.
Purple - Suffering. Mourning.
Red - Martyrdom. Divine love. Holy Spirit.
Yellow - Bounty of God. Divinity. Light.
White - Purity. Innocence. Faith. Light.
Dove - Holy Spirit.
Circle - God (never ending). Eternity. Completeness.
Triangle - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Seven - Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Butterfly - Resurrection.
Fish - Symbol of Christ. Believers.
Crown - Royalty.
Eye - The Omnipresence of God.
Heart - Charity.
Initial - Can represent Confirmation name.
Three Initials - Can represent first name, baptismal name, and Confirmation name.
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